All Elements
This page shows all basic elements that can be rendered from Markdown (with the standard extensions). It can be used to test themes.
Plain Text Paragraphs
The first two paragraphs consist of a single line of source text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec erat sem, ultrices ac rhoncus ut, pharetra sed velit. Quisque eu est sed nisl porta placerat et tempor mi. Aenean porta turpis sed erat vestibulum blandit. Morbi dapibus eros enim, non dignissim augue posuere ac. Etiam facilisis mauris tempus euismod imperdiet. Ut ultricies libero tellus, in porttitor lorem tincidunt in. Praesent nulla lectus, consectetur ac bibendum eu, consectetur nec massa.
Donec ut libero quis mi vehicula elementum. Praesent molestie dictum erat, eu bibendum arcu congue eu. Pellentesque aliquet condimentum mi a pretium. Phasellus mi magna, luctus ut vestibulum et, lobortis et erat. Maecenas nec blandit neque, at ultrices orci. Nunc venenatis, arcu ut varius posuere, elit libero euismod mauris, vitae convallis tellus mauris et felis. Mauris elit enim, porttitor eu augue ac, fringilla aliquam nulla.
The following paragraph uses soft line breaks:
Pellentesque fringilla mi non urna congue scelerisque. Nam id congue justo, vel elementum purus. Cras interdum convallis dolor, sagittis pellentesque erat imperdiet vitae. Ut iaculis feugiat orci eu varius. Vivamus quis elementum turpis. Donec vitae neque in nibh euismod tincidunt ullamcorper in enim. Curabitur arcu risus, lacinia sed efficitur ac, dignissim in neque. Nulla imperdiet rhoncus fermentum. Donec porttitor rutrum sem, non dapibus felis elementum non. Sed bibendum volutpat nisl, a ultrices nulla volutpat nec. Integer imperdiet, leo id vestibulum rutrum, nibh lectus tincidunt velit, iaculis commodo quam augue non urna. Pellentesque venenatis libero nulla, in euismod ligula egestas sit amet. Suspendisse congue orci neque.
Inline Elements
Text can contain code like val x = 42
(using Scala highlighting on this page). It can be used without adjacent spaces, e.g.: x
‘s value is larger than y
’s value. HTML 5 entities like ∏ and √ and other Unicode characters may be used in text.
Text can contain emphasis and strong emphasis. Intrawordemphasis andmixedemphasis are also supported. If the strikethrough
extension is enabled, it looks like this. If the ins
extension is enabled, it looks like this. With the superscript
and subscript
extensions you can get notations like baselinesuperscript part or baselinesubscript part.
Simple links consist of a link target and text. The text may contain other markup. Links can also have titles. Plain links (either enclosed in angle brackets or created by the autolink
extension) look like which consist of the URL as link text and target, and no title.
Here’s an image from highlight.js in its own paragraph:
And here is the same image used in an inline context.
Here is a paragraph with embedded emojis: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec erat sem, ultrices ac rhoncus ut, pharetra sed velit. Quisque eu est sed nisl porta placerat et tempor mi. Aenean porta turpis sed
erat vestibulum blandit. Morbi dapibus eros enim, non dignissim augue posuere ac. Etiam facilisis mauris tempus euismod imperdiet. Ut ultricies libero tellus, in porttitor lorem tincidunt in. Praesent nulla lectus, consectetur ac bibendum eu, consectetur nec massa.
Here is a math block that gets rendered with MathJax:
Here is a paragraph with embedded math: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet [math], consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec erat sem, ultrices ac rhoncus ut, pharetra sed velit. Quisque eu est sed nisl porta placerat et tempor mi. Aenean porta turpis sed [math] erat vestibulum blandit. Morbi dapibus eros enim, non dignissim augue posuere ac. Etiam facilisis mauris tempus euismod imperdiet. Ut ultricies libero tellus, in porttitor lorem tincidunt in. Praesent nulla lectus, consectetur ac bibendum eu, consectetur nec massa.
Code Blocks
Here’s some Scala code:
Multiple code blocks can be combined in a tabbed view:
Using the includeCode
extension, code blocks can also come from included files:
…or parts of included files:
Code blocks can also contain math:
Block Quotes
This is a block quote:
Etiam efficitur porta nulla, vel cursus nibh rhoncus vel. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Proin leo massa, malesuada ut feugiat ac, venenatis id felis.
And here are two adjacent block quotes:
Maecenas luctus tristique imperdiet. Cras imperdiet mi ornare odio iaculis pulvinar. Maecenas metus dolor, porttitor sed vestibulum vitae, faucibus id velit. Aliquam eget lorem tellus. Maecenas lacinia mollis leo, ac condimentum leo accumsan sollicitudin. Phasellus sed nulla at turpis ornare malesuada.
Curabitur imperdiet ante at velit elementum, sit amet gravida ipsum imperdiet. Duis tortor tortor, venenatis sit amet laoreet et, vulputate sed nisi. Aliquam id finibus libero. Etiam finibus molestie tristique. Maecenas ultricies diam et risus pharetra, eu pharetra lorem mattis. Sed non ipsum sit amet felis dignissim convallis.
This is a single block quote consisting of two paragraphs:
Curabitur et elit mauris. Ut sodales pellentesque consectetur. Etiam dapibus leo vel eros facilisis, et dapibus lectus lobortis.
Pellentesque ac tempor magna. Mauris bibendum ullamcorper pretium. Pellentesque vestibulum nulla urna, eget scelerisque tortor suscipit sit amet. Ut tempor velit at nibh porta, in feugiat turpis aliquet.
Block quotes may be nested:
Integer cursus nibh massa, quis rutrum quam dapibus in. Nunc neque lacus, mollis a sapien vitae, facilisis vulputate neque. Etiam bibendum suscipit lectus, ut eleifend metus hendrerit sit amet. Nam non metus nulla. Etiam dictum eleifend eros.
Quisque commodo sapien nec porta consequat. Nam eu pharetra risus. Aliquam scelerisque, urna at finibus accumsan, nisl elit pulvinar ante, at pellentesque nisi est sit amet urna.
Nulla nulla arcu, aliquet gravida ligula sed, porttitor imperdiet elit. Fusce accumsan mi ipsum, in malesuada orci porta vitae.
They may contain other block-level or inline content like code blocks:
Here is a nested code block:
And some
nested inline code
in a text paragraph.
If the blockQuoteAttributes
extension is enabled, quote classes note and warning are available:
This is a note.
This is a warning.
This is a horizontal line:
And here’s the following paragraph.
This is a tight bullet list:
- List item; the following item is empty
- List item
- Nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- 3rd level nested list item
- 4th level nested list item
- 5th level nested list item
- 4th level nested list item
- 3rd level nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- Nested list item
- Nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- Nested list item
- List item
This is a tight ordered list containing bullet lists for level 2 and below:
- List item; the following item is empty
- List item
- Nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- 3rd level nested list item
- 4th level nested list item
- 5th level nested list item
- 4th level nested list item
- 3rd level nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- Nested list item
- Nested list item
- 2nd level nested list item
- Nested list item
- List item
This is a loose bullet list:
Vestibulum dui dui, porttitor id ultricies a, finibus eget elit. Suspendisse pharetra arcu leo, ut consequat leo ultricies sed.
Donec iaculis metus in metus posuere faucibus. Phasellus vehicula nisi vitae scelerisque iaculis.
Morbi hendrerit lectus consectetur odio efficitur condimentum. Suspendisse in placerat diam. Donec facilisis nibh ut porta ultricies.
Lists can contain other block content like code blocks:
Nam eget iaculis augue. Maecenas nisl lorem, sollicitudin quis leo quis, malesuada mollis massa. Nam ac lacus arcu. Donec condimentum velit turpis, vitae posuere arcu volutpat vel. Morbi a metus et ante tincidunt vestibulum. Integer tincidunt velit ipsum, et vestibulum sapien molestie a. Mauris molestie tincidunt erat, a ornare elit pharetra ac. Nulla congue lacus purus, sit amet vehicula lacus scelerisque in. Integer ut interdum augue. Sed hendrerit mauris eget libero vestibulum, sed dignissim dui dictum. Nunc tincidunt commodo lorem id sollicitudin.
Tables created by the tables
extension are based on GitHub Flavored Markdown. The following examples were taken from this page. Here is a simple table:
Table cells can contain formatting:
Columns may be left, center or right aligned:
Here is a wide table:
The following diagrams were taken directly from the Mermaid documentation. They show the different kinds of diagrams that can be created:
Basic Flowchart
Larger Flowchart With Some Styling
Basic Sequence Diagram
Loops, Alt And Opt
Message To Self In Loop
Gantt Chart
TOC Trees
This is the full site TOC:
- Introduction
- Running
- Configuration
- Markdown Extensions
- Image Elements
- URIs
- Code Highlighting
- Diagrams
- Math
- Default Theme
- All Elements
Section Titles
The title above is at level H2, the topmost page title is at level H1. Here are the other available levels H3 to H6:
H3 Title
Paragraph of text.
H4 Title
Paragraph of text.
H5 Title
Paragraph of text.
H6 Title
Paragraph of text.